Welcome to the oksportsreview blog.
This is the first day oksportsreview.com has published. As you can tell, the website is brand new and there is a lot of work yet to be done.
But hopefully you will like what you see in the early stages of my latest project. We hope to have links to stories about Oklahoma pro, college and high school sports, along with original content.
To make the site, successful, we need your help. If you see a story online about any sporting event or person in Oklahoma, send the link by email to craig@oksportsreview.com
In addition to linked stories, there will be exclusive content and photographs, along with the biggest feature of the site: scores to all the Oklahoma football games ever played.
No, I don't have those scores yet. But with your help, I hope to eventually have most of them. Last year, I was checking out websites and saw one from Texas that had a bunch of their scores and that really impressed me.
When I first started the website, it was going to be called okgridiron.com and was just going to have the old scores. But I had a brain surge and while trying to think of ways to improve the site, I thought it would be cool to have links just to Oklahoma sporting events involving professional, college and high schools, and not to limit it just to football.
So now if you see a story concerning any sport or would like to submit a story about an event, send an email to the address listed above.
This will be a project that will grow steadily. A person can't climb a big mountain in one day, or build a website with this much content. But we hope you enjoy the site and share with friends, family or anybody you think might be interested.
Pretty cool addition to the world wide web. Another place to go to get my Oklahoma sports fix. Thanks Craig.
Great start, Craig. You provide some good links with good stories, and I'll be looking for the scores as they develop.